Studio Soundtrack #7 - kaschkasch
Relay Design Agency spoke to Florian Kallus of Cologne-based design duo kaschkasch about their studio practice and the music that influences him.

What is the first thing that you do when you get into your studio?
I turn on the coffee machine and make myself and the others espresso :)
Normally I’m not the first one at the studio … once I'm there I walk around and talk to Sebastian, the assistant and the intern. I really enjoy seeing and discussing all the projects we are working on.
What is your most treasured studio item?
There is not really one specific item, but I really appreciate our backyard/garden which makes work even more enjoyable.
I really like to sit outside with my laptop, pen and paper and use the workshop for quick mockups.
The workshop is very important for me and everybody at studio kaschkasch as we are a hands-on design studio with manual skills and craft roots.
What would be your dream project?
To be honest, if you had asked this five years ago, our dream projects would have been the projects we are currently working on. We already work with some of the best brands from all over the world, it’s hard to pick just one. The really fulfilling and exciting projects are with the brands we work very closely with, such as Zeitraum.
The RAIL table system project, for example, could not have been possible without working closely together, allowing us to understand and respect each other.
But there are still a lot of challenges and opportunities out there waiting for us. I’m pretty sure the next dream project is coming :)
What do you do to relax after a day working in your studio?
I do like listening to music and cook. On a sunny day I like to ride my bike :) Beside that I'm hunting design furniture & lighting from designers I appreciate.

About kaschkasch.
The award-winning design studio kaschkasch was established in 2011 by Florian Kallus and Sebastian Schneider.
Working in the fields of furniture, lighting, art-direction and education, kaschkasch have a broad range of clients including Living Divani, Menu, Zeitraum and Normann Copenhagen.
"The Designer-Duo always tries to achieve the maximum out of the minimum by breaking every idea down to its essential elements. Every piece has a little thing to discover that speaks of the designers’ love for details. Kaschkasch stands for a balance between function and elegance."
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See more from kaschkasch on their website and their instagram @kaschkasch_official
Images courtesy of kaschkasch and Zeitraum.